time: 7.03.2012
AUTHOR: doctcocca
hidan lemons
S.M.U.T.: Naruto Lemons
All my Naruto Lemons so far~ An Asuma Sarutobi Baby Daddy -- Wasteful A Deidara Lemon. Genma Shiranui (1) Germany (8) Germany and Prussia (1) Harry Potter (1) Hibari Kyoya (2) Hidan.
Where are you Now? - Where Are You Now? | Story | Quizazz
^^ I hope you enjoy this. Oh, and it has a lot of hints of HidaDei pairing (Hidan x Deidara). No lemons! Just angust and sadness.) I tried to walk together
Berwald Shimeji by *PrincessCallie on deviantART
“I’m dying,” Hidan whispered, completely in shock. “I can see heaven…”. If life gives you lemons make grape juice! Please click Thanks to =Xiik for the icon
KakuHidan child chapter 3 by ~Sararachan1 on deviantART
Hidan looked over his shoulder to see his little baby girl on the edge of the bed.. Remember...The Yaoi Side Has Lemons....And the Dark Side....Has Cookies :3 And.
Hidan.....--Ask Female Japan anything----I enjoy sensing the mood and refraining. When life gives u lemons make grape juice and make people guess how u made it!
Hidan forced lemon
Report broken link tab. Team-hidan and see your best friend kiba. 18 he is 6 well. She doesnt know i lyrics, jpop lyrics video. 5 52 pm chapters to post any lemons.
Lemons from my Quizilla Account (again)
2/7/2012 · I’m going to start taking requests for lemons again. If you would like a lemon. I Don't Care, I love you (Hidan Lemon for Mahashi-... ► August (4)
xXxGoldenDarknessxXx on deviantART
i like watching anime haha Btw Kakashi and Hidan= Sexy =] haha Thats all i can think. Favourite cartoon character: Cheese; Personal Quote: when life gives u lemons, make.
YesiSoto93 Lemons: January 2010
Deidara, Itachi, Hidan andTobi sat front row with their hands clenched in excitement.. Posted by ~Arika/Myra/Aphelia Lemons~ at 10:28 PM 2 comments
a hidan one shots quizilla - enprovunriepofirm's Space
I am new, I am originally from Quizilla.com but got sick . things in life: fighting, money and swearing at Hidan . I am a girl and I write one-shots and lemons and stuff .
hidan lemons Kakuzu
Gaara Zetsu Naruto Akatsuki Kakuzu Quizzes Kisame Kakuzu Itachi Akatsuki .